LCIRT webinars bring you up-to-date information 和 re搜索-based practices for supporting students with learning disabilities (LD), 注意力缺陷多动症, 或自闭症. 它们的成本效益很高, efficient way to provide professional development to individuals 和 school communities.
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最近的国家和国际事件(例如.g., 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 社会正义运动, expansion of artificial intelligence in education) have altered how higher education conceives of accessibility. Join contributors to the forthcoming book The New Accessibility in Higher Education (to be published by Oxford University Press in 2025), for a discussion about how barriers to access were identified 和 how accessibility was reimagined 和 improved. The panel discussion will conclude with a brief question-和-answer time.
小组成员: 亚当·拉洛博士.D., Vice President for Neurodiversity 研究 和 Innovation, L和mark College 艾米丽·赫尔夫特,艾德.S., Assistant Director of 专业发展, L和mark College
柯尔斯滕·贝林博士.D., Associate Dean of Student Accessibility 和 Academic Resources, Tufts University
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我们都知道, many students with disabilities do not register with postsecondary disability 服务 offices. One common explanation for lack of registration 和 disclosure is that students with disabilities are uncertain about how to register/disclose. Disability 服务 websites are gateways for enrolled 和 prospective students seeking information about disability-related accommodations, 服务, 以及高校的政策. 基于最近的三项全国性研究, the presenters have identified significant gaps in information presented about disability 服务 和 programs on institutional websites. Join us for a discussion of how we can improve our disability 服务 websites 和 hear tips 和 suggestions for better reaching students with disabilities.
描述: Students struggle in the classroom for a wide range of reasons 和 often due to factors that are irrelevant to a particular lesson’s learning goals. These barriers to learning are often subtle 和 are rarely obvious to those who don’t experience them personally. This webinar will introduce some of the most common unnecessary cognitive loads faced by students with disabilities 和 other struggling learners. Participants will gain an underst和ing of how these loads impact student performance 和 learn about some strategies that can be used to reduce those loads 和 improve learner performance.
Are you interested in supporting students with learning differences during the college 搜索 process? In this presentation a former admission officer (和 a current L和mark College Institute for 研究 和 培训 staff member) will discuss tips that you can use to assist your students with learning differences as they face common college 搜索 obstacles.
Manipulatives are commonly used in elementary education to introduce concepts to students in the math 和 science classroom, but as students progress in their education these tools are typically phased out. This session will provide a framework 和 some examples for the use of manipulatives to support struggling learners at the secondary 和 postsecondary levels. Participants will learn how they can facilitate students developing a better underst和ing of key concepts 和 gaining proficiency in computation in these STEM disciplines.
We will explore the metaphor of Executive Function (EF) as orchestra conductor. 即, EF helps increase functions that are too quiet (“activation”), it tamps down sections that are too loud (“inhibitory control”), 和 it keeps track of the timing 和 content of all the individual players (“working memory”). 那是一大堆要处理的工作, 和 sometimes the conductor needs help—practical tools for supporting students in these three domains of EF (activation, 抑制, 和 working memory) will be demonstrated in this webinar.
Why do students with a wide variety of strengths 和 challenges struggle with math content? Why do students perform well in some mathematics courses but not others? Can students with math-specific LD achieve proficiency or even mastery in math? This webinar will explore the various cognitive barriers that cause students with LD, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和自闭症 to struggle in math 和 science classrooms. Attendees will learn ways to support students outside the classroom in order to improve their academic performance. This session is designed for instructors 和 academic support staff 和 does not assume expert knowledge of mathematics.
你见过学生情绪化的表现吗, self-sabotaging 和 seemingly irrational behaviors when faced with academic stress? Poor emotion regulation is often found in students with learning differences. 强烈的情绪状态, 比如焦虑, 能深刻影响关键的认知过程吗, 反过来, 会严重阻碍学习. Negative classroom experiences associated with poor emotional regulation can lead students to dropout of school. This webinar covers current scientific underst和ing of the neuro-biological processes of emotion-cognition regulation 和 how they impact behavior. We will focus on practical ideas 和 best practices as we delve into emotion regulation strategies, particularly one of the most promising 和 teachable strategies, 认知重新评价.
This webinar addresses the puzzling question of what makes learning a second language extraordinarily difficult for some students. It explores the re搜索 literature on issues such as:
What is the cognitive basis of language learning: how do language, memory 和 attention interact?
Why do at-risk students fail foreign language classes?
The webinar will examine these questions by presenting the latest thinking about a theoretical framework that explains second language learning difficulties in cognitive terms. The session includes simulations of second language learning difficulties designed to give instructors insights 和 empathy for students’ challenges. It also proposes recommendations for effective second language instruction based on re搜索, 文献综述, 和 nearly 30 years of classroom practice developed in L和mark College’s highly successful Foreign Language programs. It includes suggestions for structuring Foreign Language programs 和 for specific classroom approaches 和 materials.
This webinar explores the specific impact of executive function difficulties on academic reading, 包括阅读耐力, 量阅读, 批判性阅读. We will offer instructional strategies to improve reading comprehension 和 retention, 关注信息文本. Both traditional multi-sensory approaches 和 technology tools will be considered as ways to support more efficient reading.
近年来, there has been growing excitement around re搜索 by Carol Dweck 和 colleagues that demonstrates a shift in “mindset” from a fixed to a growth mindset can promote positive learning outcomes. 这项研究的意义是巨大的, ranging from new student orientations 和 残疾服务学生入学s at the postsecondary level to 写作中的项目 at the secondary level. Drawing on our own experience in conducting a mindset shift intervention with at-risk high school students during a three-week transition to college program (2015), we will share re搜索 findings 和 insights on ways to implement elements of the “mindset framework” in classroom teaching, 残疾服务学生入学, 写作中的项目, 和更多的.
Creating a useful outline for academic writing is a difficult task for many students, particularly those with executive function difficulties 和 language-based learning disabilities. Many students don’t know where to start 和 how to organize their thoughts. Mind Mapping Apps provide a powerful solution that helps students translate their ideas into a visual format that is easy to manipulate.