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Finding the right college for a student who learns differently can be a challenging and often overwhelming process. 每个学生都有自己的优先事项和需求. 你应该考虑像地标学院这样的学院吗, 专门针对有学习障碍的学生(比如阅读障碍), ADHD, and ASD? Or would the student be well served by a traditional college that offers LD accommodations as add-on services?

Here are answers to some of the key questions you need to ask about the resources and features available in each setting so that you can find the best fit for your student. After reading, 点击这里获取更多信息


比较Landmark College和传统学院为LD学生提供的住宿


Landmark College
Traditional College
Landmark College’s comprehensive support system 是为学习方式不同的学生设计和定制的吗. 支持服务被整合到所有学生的课程中, 他们不需要采取特别的步骤来访问它们. 我们的学术咨询模式是个性化的 帮助学生成为他们自己的拥护者.

地标学院的科学课上有学生和布莱恩·杨教授Landmark College’s Centers for Academic Support provide comprehensive and individualized support for writing, reading, and study skills, with special centers 专门致力于商业,计算机科学,科学,数学和教育技术. LC提供咨询和健康服务, 住宅生命维持系统, academic advising, executive function coaching, a pet therapy program, educational technology, 为自闭症学生提供社会语用学服务.
Traditional colleges have a disability support office that provides “accommodations” to students as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students must apply for services 这可能是一个广泛的过程,不能保证一个完整或及时的结果. Services beyond those legally required are not available at all colleges, and many are fee-based.

Data suggest that only 35% of students who receive special education services in high school actually access disability services in college. 残疾服务的使用和获得完全取决于学生,他们必须 seek out specialized tutors and technology, for example, adding an extra burden of responsibility during what is often a challenging transition to higher education.

了解更多关于地标学院的信息 academic services.


Are medical tax deductions or other financial aid options available that are specific to students with learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), ADHD, or autism?

Landmark College
Traditional College
Landmark College的学费和杂费, 还有额外的费用,比如书籍, computers, 以及其他与教育相关的费用, may qualify as a 对有学习和注意力问题的学生减免医疗税. This deduction is only available at dedicated LD schools that can be considered a “treatment” for the condition. Landmark College的学生也可以获得越来越多的奖学金. In addition, our Financial Aid Office partners with families to help finance the student’s education.
传统大学的财政援助办公室可以提供多种贷款, grants, 以及所有接受高等教育的学生都可以获得的奖学金. 传统大学通常不提供医疗税收减免专门为有学习障碍、多动症或自闭症的学生提供的奖学金很少.


Is specialized career planning and placement support available for students who learn differently?

Landmark College
Traditional College
在当地一家科研公司实习的地标大学学生. Landmark College offers career support that begins during the application process and continues beyond graduation. The Office of Career Connections offers a robust menu of career and internship services designed for students who learn differently, 包括校内和校外实习 Employment Readiness Program 对于刚开始工作的学生来说.
传统大学通常为校友提供联系网络, 以及职业咨询和专业发展等服务, but it is rare for a conventional school to offer advice focused on the LD student population. 专门了解学习差异的支持服务 are almost non-existent 在传统大学的就业服务办公室.

Learn more about Landmark’s career and internship services.


Has the college proven its commitment to creating an optimal learning environment for students with learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), ADHD, or autism?

Landmark College
Traditional College
地标学院的Nicole Goodner MacFarlane大楼 The Landmark College Institute for Research and Training (LCIRT) pioneers LD research and trains educators to implement student-centered best practices in learning disability, ADHD, and autism education. The robust partnership between LCIRT and Landmark College’s faculty and staff leads to innovative strategies that improve student outcomes. In addition, LCIRT’s funding from the National Science Foundation allows students to work alongside professors and receive course credit or compensation for their work in LCIRT’s laboratories.
No other college has a fully integrated research enterprise focused solely on improving LD teaching and learning.


Do residential, social, and extracurricular opportunities help develop confidence and social skills for students with learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), ADHD, or autism?

Landmark College
Traditional College
足球比赛在地标学院的查尔斯·德雷克运动场 大学经历不仅仅是由学术决定的. One of the comments we hear most often from our students is that they feel they “just fit in” at Landmark College — that everyone here “gets” them. 从住宿生活到校园或附近的佛蒙特州南部的课外活动, students are encouraged to explore all aspects of a well-rounded life with the support and encouragement that will enable them to thrive.
传统高校的学生生活和学校的特色一样丰富多彩, location, and size. 很少有传统学院提供住宿, support, 或者专门针对有学习障碍的学生的项目, so to the extent that those students feel the need for a community of like-minded individuals, 他们可能需要自己创造.

了解更多关于地标学院旨在创造一个充满活力和活力的方式 supportive community for its students.



Landmark College
Traditional College
At Landmark College, students are introduced to a system of low- to high-tech tools and strategies to help them recognize their strengths as a learner. 我们的教育技术支持是免费的, which allows students to experiment with the tools and options that are most effective for their learning style. LC continually reviews its technology tools and strategies to recommend the optimal match for our students from emerging and time-tested text readers, accessible digital text, graphic organizers, time management tools, and speech-to-text software.
At many traditional colleges, assistive technology for students with learning disabilities is neither readily available to students nor integrated into the classroom experience. Students typically must contact their school’s disability office to inquire about the technology available,并且可能面临额外的费用和/或获得资源的长时间延迟. At some traditional colleges, students may need to acquire assistive technology independently.

Learn more about the educational technology 并为Landmark College的学生提供咨询服务.


Can parents expect the kind of close communication with college staff that may be particularly helpful to parents of students with learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), ADHD, or autism?

Landmark College
Traditional College
地标大学的学生和家人走过方庭 地标学院培养家庭间开放交流的环境, the College, and students. A main focus through Family Orientation and Family Weekend (and LC’s family services in general) is helping parents understand the support, needs, and developmental milestones of successful students 在大学(相对于高中). 未来的家庭可以阅读学生的故事, schedule a campus visit, 或者联系在校生的家长.
Parents and students can contact school admissions (or related) offices to reach administrative offices and departments with their questions. 虽然他们的答案可能对一般学生来说是足够的,但他们确实是 不太可能解决学生家长的具体问题 有学习障碍、多动症或自闭症的人.

了解更多关于地标学院的信息 family programs.


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